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  1. Monster ID ( e.g. 1001 )
  2. Monster Name ( e.g. Poring )
  3. MVP ( e.g. Yes )
  4. Size ( e.g. Small )
  5. Race ( e.g. Undead )
  6. Element ( e.g. Neutral )

Note: It's easier to search if you have pair parameters

Found a total of 2066 record(s) across 104 page(s). Displaying result(s) 141-160.

Monster ID Name ▲ Level HP Size Race Element Base EXP Job EXP Custom
2335 Bakonawa's Treasure 140 5 Small Formless Holy (Lv. 1) 0 0 No
2154 Banaspaty 85 4,680 Small Formless Fire (Lv. 3) 1,018 953 No
2157 Banaspaty 85 4,680 Small Formless Fire (Lv. 3) 0 0 No
1811 Bandit 18 641 Small Brute Earth (Lv. 1) 0 0 No
2317 Bangungot 115 1,519,517 Medium Demon Dark (Lv. 2) 0 0 No
2318 Bangungot 99 1,409,758 Medium Demon Dark (Lv. 2) 0 0 No
2327 Bangungot 115 250 Medium Demon Dark (Lv. 2) 781,541 837,321 No
1867 Banshee 130 48,666 Medium Demon Dark (Lv. 2) 3,739 3,598 No
1868 Banshee 130 48,666 Medium Demon Dark (Lv. 2) 0 0 No
1974 Banshee Master 118 20,320 Medium Demon Dark (Lv. 2) 2,606 2,498 No
1039 MVP! Baphomet 81 668,000 Large Demon Dark (Lv. 3) 218,089 167,053 No
2325 Baphomet 57 7,510 Small Demon Dark (Lv. 1) 0 0 No
2100 MVP! Baphomet 81 668,000 Large Demon Dark (Lv. 3) 1,105 1,005 No
1848 Baphomet 50 45,000 Large Demon Dark (Lv. 3) 450 450 No
1897 Baphomet 81 668,000 Large Demon Dark (Lv. 3) 0 0 No
1399 MVP! Baphomet 68 1,264,000 Large Demon Dark (Lv. 3) 41,225 12,553 No
1101 Baphomet Jr. 57 2,035 Small Demon Dark (Lv. 1) 488 435 No
1431 Baphomet Jr. 57 2,035 Small Demon Dark (Lv. 1) 0 0 No
1729 Baphomet Jr. 50 8,578 Small Demon Dark (Lv. 1) 0 0 No
2424 Bard Kavach 98 12,637 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv. 2) 886 1,582 No
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