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  1. Monster ID ( e.g. 1001 )
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  3. MVP ( e.g. Yes )
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  6. Element ( e.g. Neutral )

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Found a total of 2066 record(s) across 104 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1341-1360.

Monster ID ▲ Name Level HP Size Race Element Base EXP ▼ Job EXP Custom ▼
2426 Sage Laurell 98 9,868 Medium Demi-Human Ghost (Lv. 2) 940 1,920 No
2427 Monk Errende 98 11,168 Medium Demi-Human Holy (Lv. 2) 905 1,000 No
2428 Knight Seyren 98 13,260 Medium Demi-Human Fire (Lv. 3) 0 0 No
2429 Assassin Eremes 98 9,029 Medium Demi-Human Poison (Lv. 4) 0 0 No
2430 Blacksmith Howard 98 11,803 Medium Demi-Human Water (Lv. 4) 0 0 No
2431 Hunter Cecil 98 8,835 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv. 3) 0 0 No
2432 Wizard Kathryne 98 7,092 Medium Demi-Human Ghost (Lv. 3) 0 0 No
2433 Priest Margaretha 98 9,192 Medium Demi-Human Holy (Lv. 3) 0 0 No
2434 Crusader Egnigem 98 13,440 Medium Demi-Human Fire (Lv. 2) 0 0 No
2435 Rogue Wickebine 98 11,712 Medium Demi-Human Poison (Lv. 3) 0 0 No
2436 Alchemist Armeyer 98 11,376 Medium Demi-Human Earth (Lv. 3) 0 0 No
2437 Bard Kavach 98 12,637 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv. 2) 0 0 No
2438 Dancer Josephina 98 12,637 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv. 2) 0 0 No
2439 Sage Laurell 98 9,868 Medium Demi-Human Ghost (Lv. 2) 0 0 No
2440 Monk Errende 98 11,168 Medium Demi-Human Holy (Lv. 2) 0 0 No
2441 MVP! The Last One 99 265,203 Medium Demi-Human Fire (Lv. 4) 106,267 87,747 No
2442 MVP! King of the Alley 99 268,800 Medium Demi-Human Fire (Lv. 4) 108,810 89,000 No
2443 MVP! Aira 99 270,000 Medium Demi-Human Fire (Lv. 3) 110,000 90,000 No
2444 MVP! Kuluna 99 270,000 Medium Demi-Human Ghost (Lv. 3) 110,000 90,000 No
2445 MVP! Mallina 99 270,000 Medium Demi-Human Earth (Lv. 4) 110,000 90,000 No
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