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  1. Monster ID ( e.g. 1001 )
  2. Monster Name ( e.g. Poring )
  3. MVP ( e.g. Yes )
  4. Size ( e.g. Small )
  5. Race ( e.g. Undead )
  6. Element ( e.g. Neutral )

Note: It's easier to search if you have pair parameters

Found a total of 2066 record(s) across 104 page(s). Displaying result(s) 441-460.

Monster ID ▼ Name Level HP Size Race Element Base EXP Job EXP ▲ Custom
2758 Elusive Menblatt 143 411,000 Medium Insect Wind (Lv. 2) 20,750 67,732 No
2757 Furious Merman 60 14,700 Medium Demi-Human Water (Lv. 3) 2,605 7,020 No
2756 Metaling Ringleader 81 21,500 Small Formless Neutral (Lv. 1) 4,770 13,335 No
2755 Solid Metaling 81 43,000 Small Formless Neutral (Lv. 1) 4,770 13,335 No
2754 Swift Metaller 55 8,435 Medium Insect Fire (Lv. 1) 2,330 6,195 No
2753 Elusive Mimic 56 9,695 Medium Formless Neutral (Lv. 3) 2,385 6,360 No
2752 Furious Mimic 56 9,695 Medium Formless Neutral (Lv. 3) 2,385 6,360 No
2751 Miming Ringleader 140 406,000 Small Formless Neutral (Lv. 1) 23,075 62,370 No
2750 Solid Mineral 96 83,000 Small Formless Neutral (Lv. 2) 6,555 18,600 No
2749 Swift Minorous 58 9,465 Large Brute Fire (Lv. 2) 2,495 6,690 No
2748 Elusive Minorous 58 9,465 Large Brute Fire (Lv. 2) 2,495 6,690 No
2747 Furious Minorous 58 9,465 Large Brute Fire (Lv. 2) 2,495 6,690 No
2746 Miyabi Doll Ringleader 85 25,940 Medium Demon Dark (Lv. 1) 5,090 14,295 No
2745 Solid Holden 85 62,280 Small Brute Earth (Lv. 2) 5,340 14,295 No
2744 Swift Incarnation of Mor 132 319,500 Large Angel Dark (Lv. 1) 14,275 27,175 No
2743 Elusive Incarnation of M 132 319,500 Large Angel Dark (Lv. 1) 14,275 27,175 No
2742 Furious Incarnation of M 132 319,500 Large Angel Dark (Lv. 1) 14,275 27,175 No
2741 Muka Ringleader 23 2,340 Large Plant Earth (Lv. 1) 1,025 2,220 No
2740 Solid Mummy 55 21,550 Medium Undead Undead (Lv. 2) 2,560 5,850 No
2739 Swift Mummy 55 10,775 Medium Undead Undead (Lv. 2) 2,560 5,850 No
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