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#2002: Glorious Destruction Staff
    Item ID 2002 For Sale No
    Identifier Krieger_Twohand_Staff1 Credit Price Not For Sale
    Name Glorious Destruction Staff Type Weapon - Two-handed staves
    NPC Buy 20 Weight 0
    NPC Sell 10 Weapon Level 4
    Range 1 Defense 0
    Slots 0 Refineable Yes
    Attack 70 Min Equip Level 80
    MATK 210 Max Equip Level None
    Equip Locations Two-Handed
    Equip Upper None
    Equippable Jobs Mage / Priest / Wizard / Monk / Sage / Soul Linker
    Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
    Trade restriction Can't be dropped / Can't be traded with player / Can't be put in Cart / Can't be put in Storage / Can't be put in Guild Storage / Can't be attached in Mail / Can't be auctioned
    Item Use Script
    1 .@r = min(14,getrefine());
    2 bonus bMatkRate,.@r;
    3 bonus bUnbreakableWeapon;
    4 if (.@r>5) {
    5 .@bonus1 = 5;
    6 .@bonus2 = (.@r-5) * 2;
    7 }
    8 if (.@r>8) {
    9 bonus5 bAutoSpellOnSkill,"WZ_STORMGUST","MG_SAFETYWALL",10,200,1;
    10 bonus5 bAutoSpellOnSkill,"WZ_METEOR","MG_SAFETYWALL",10,200,1;
    11 bonus5 bAutoSpellOnSkill,"WZ_VERMILION","MG_SAFETYWALL",10,200,1;
    12 }
    13 bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,15+.@bonus2;
    14 bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_Player_Human,15+.@bonus2;
    15 bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRaceRate,RC_DemiHuman,25+.@bonus1+.@bonus2;
    16 bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRaceRate,RC_Player_Human,25+.@bonus1+.@bonus2;
    Equip Script None
    Unequip Script None
    Description Matk + 210
    인간형 적에 대한 마법 공격력 15% 증가
    인간형 적의 마법 방어력 25% 무시
    ※ 무기 제련도 추가 옵션
    제련 수치당 Matk 증가
    +6 제련
    Matk 5% 증가
    [파멸] Lv 1 (단, 파멸 옵션으로 인한 데미지 증가는 제련도 +14 까지만 적용된다.)
    +9 제련
    [로드 오브 버밀리온] 10레벨
    [메테오 스톰] 10레벨
    [스톰 가스트] 10레벨의 스킬 사용 시
    일정 확률로 자신에게 오토스펠 [세이프티월] 10레벨
    계열 : 양손지팡이 공격 : 70
    무게 : 0
    무기레벨 : 4
    요구 레벨 : 80
    장착 : 마법사계열/복사계열/소울링커 장착가능
    Used in Item Group None
    Glorious Destruction Staff Buyable At

    This item can not be bought

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