Viewing Monster</4>

#3220: Guillotine Cross Eremes
    Monster ID 3220 Custom No
    English Name Guillotine Cross Eremes HP 12,600,000
    Level 189 SP 0
    Size Medium Attack 8,000~2,000
    Race Demi-Human Defense 360
    Element Poison (Lv. 4) Magic Defense 200
    Base Experience 3,000,000 95% Flee 664
    Job Experience 3,000,000 100% Hit 589
    MVP Experience 0 Critical Shield 32 %
    Walk Speed 100 Defense Rating 4.80
    Attack Delay 76 ms Attack Range 1
    Attack Motion 384 ms Spell Range 10
    Delay Motion 288 ms Vision Range 12
    Monster Mode
    • Change Target Chase
    • Change Target Melee
    • Change Chase
    • Cast Sensor Chase
    • Can Attack
    • Cast Sensor Idle
    • Aggressive
    • Can Move
    • MVP
    Monster Stats
    STR 300 AGI 380 VIT 120
    INT 140 DEX 400 LUK 160
    Elements Resistance Table: Poison (Lv 4)
    Neutral Water Earth Fire Wind Poison Holy Dark Ghost Undead
    Guillotine Cross Eremes Item Drops
    Item ID Item Name Drop Chance Stealable Random options
    23016 Cursed Fragment 30% Yes
    20748 Fallen Warrior Manteau 1.5% Yes
    20748 Fallen Warrior Manteau 5% Yes
    22687 Sentimental Fragment 50% Yes
    6816 Thief Soul 100% Yes
    6816 Thief Soul 100% Yes
    6816 Thief Soul 100% Yes
    4674 Guillotine Cross Eremes Card MVP Card! 0.01% No
    Monster Skills for “Guillotine Cross Eremes”
    Name Level State Rate Cast Time Delay Cancelable Target Condition Value

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/26.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@AL_TELEPORT 1 Idle 10% 0s 0s Yes Self rudeattacked None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/352.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_CALLSLAVE 1 Idle 5% 0s 10s Yes Self always None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/196.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE 1 Idle 10% 0.7s 10s No Self slavele 3

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/716.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_MAXPAIN 5 Idle 10% 0s 10s Yes Self skillused 490

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/716.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_MAXPAIN 5 Chase 10% 0s 10s Yes Self skillused 490

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/137.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@AS_GRIMTOOTH 5 Chase 2% 0s 0s Yes Target always None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/379.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@ASC_BREAKER 10 Chase 2% 0s 10s Yes Target always None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/137.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@AS_GRIMTOOTH 5 Chase 10% 0s 0s Yes Target skillused 18

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/353.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_INVISIBLE 1 Chase 2% 0s 30s Yes Self always None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/26.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@AL_TELEPORT 1 Walk 5% 0s 10s Yes Self rudeattacked None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/716.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_MAXPAIN 5 Attack 10% 0s 10s Yes Self skillused 490

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/352.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_CALLSLAVE 1 Attack 5% 0s 10s Yes Self always None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/196.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_SUMMONSLAVE 1 Attack 10% 0.7s 10s No Self slavele 3

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/353.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_INVISIBLE 1 Attack 2% 0s 30s Yes Self always None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/350.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_AGIUP 5 Attack 2% 0s 25s Yes Self always None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/136.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@AS_SONICBLOW 10 Attack 2% 0s 10s Yes Target always None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/406.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@ASC_METEORASSAULT 10 Attack 2% 2s 10s No Self always None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/188.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_POISONATTACK 10 Attack 1% 0s 10s Yes Target always None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/716.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_MAXPAIN 9 Attack 3% 1s 30s No Self always None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/661.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_PULSESTRIKE 5 Attack 1% 2s 30s No Self always None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/659.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_DRAGONFEAR 5 Attack 1% 2s 30s No Self always None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/706.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_VENOMFOG 5 Attack 1% 2s 30s No Self always None

    Warning: file_put_contents(data/skills/653.png): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u418646304/domains/ on line 1730
    V_B_EREMES@NPC_EARTHQUAKE 10 Attack 10% 4s 60000s Yes Self myhpltmaxrate 30
    “Guillotine Cross Eremes” on maps

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