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  1. Monster ID ( e.g. 1001 )
  2. Monster Name ( e.g. Poring )
  3. MVP ( e.g. Yes )
  4. Size ( e.g. Small )
  5. Race ( e.g. Undead )
  6. Element ( e.g. Neutral )

Note: It's easier to search if you have pair parameters

Found a total of 2066 record(s) across 104 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-20.

Monster ID Name Level HP ▲ Size Race Element Base EXP Job EXP ▼ Custom
3169 Shooting Target 1 1 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv. 3) 0 0 No
3170 Shooting Target 1 1 Medium Demi-Human Wind (Lv. 3) 0 0 No
3455 Plate 1 1 Small Formless Neutral (Lv. 1) 0 0 No
2200 Taini 1 1 Small Formless Neutral (Lv. 1) 0 0 No
1955 Treasure Chest 1 1 Small Formless Neutral (Lv. 1) 0 0 No
3075 Treasure 1 3 Small Formless Holy (Lv. 1) 0 0 No
2308 Zanzou 140 5 Small Formless Holy (Lv. 1) 0 0 No
2335 Bakonawa's Treasure 140 5 Small Formless Holy (Lv. 1) 0 0 No
2218 Octopus Tentacle 10 5 Small Fish Water (Lv. 2) 0 0 No
2288 Treasure Chest 140 5 Small Formless Holy (Lv. 1) 0 0 No
2209 Thief Bug 1 7 Small Insect Neutral (Lv. 3) 0 0 No
1136 Kobold 31 10 Medium Demi-Human Poison (Lv. 2) 4,582,500 4,582,500 No
1137 Kobold 31 10 Medium Demi-Human Fire (Lv. 2) 4,582,500 4,582,500 No
3026 Fire Pit 17 10 Medium Undead Undead (Lv. 1) 58 43 No
2025 Wild Gift Box 10 10 Medium Formless Neutral (Lv. 1) 38 38 No
2540 Faceworm Egg 140 10 Medium Insect Poison (Lv. 1) 10 13 No
1805 Lord Knight Seyren 10 10 Medium Demi-Human Fire (Lv. 4) 1 1 No
1806 Assassin Cross Eremes 10 10 Medium Demi-Human Poison (Lv. 4) 1 1 No
1807 Mastersmith Howard 10 10 Medium Demi-Human Water (Lv. 4) 1 1 No
1808 High Priest Margaretha 10 10 Medium Demi-Human Holy (Lv. 4) 1 1 No
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